Solmar Golf Links website

The purpose of this privacy notice is to inform you about the treatment that will be given to your personal data, when they are collected, used, stored and/or transferred to and by Centro de Promociones Los Cabos San Lucas S.A. de C.V., hereinafter "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" who is the Responsible for the processing of your personal data,  with address at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Zip Code 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico and internet portals and 

The personal data provided by you for the purpose of making a reservation in the activities and services offered by "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" and made available to you through its website, will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (LFPDPPP),  its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 17, 2013. The owner of the data may obtain at any time, a copy of the aforementioned laws and provisions at the address of the Data Controller through the Personal Data Department or through the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

"Solmar Hotels & Resorts" informs you that, if you need to make a reservation in the different activities or services that "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" offers through our shopping cart, the following personal data will be required for the purpose of managing your reservation and manage the payment for said service:


  • In the case of booking tee times (rounds of golf) we will collect the following personal data: name, surname, address, country, email, and telephone numbers.


In addition to the above personal data, we will collect the following personal data considered patrimonial: number, security code, expiration date and type of card with which you make the payment. It should be noted that your patrimonial data is stored in a secure management system, since at the time of entering the system, it is encrypted.




"Solmar Hotels & Resorts" informs you that, if you subscribe to our newsletter to receive communications and information related to the services offered by "Solmar Hotels & Resorts", we will collect the following personal data: name, surname, and email address. 


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Since "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" is part of a Business Group, it may share your personal data with other companies of the same Business Group, to provide you with some other service in any of our facilities and consumption centers, however, all our companies maintain the same levels of security and have adopted a compliance project to the LFPDPPP. In the event that it is necessary to transfer your information to a third party, we will ensure through the signing of agreements, documents and/or the adoption of policies that those third parties to whom your data is shared maintain adequate security, administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard your personal data, and you are also informed that at the time such third parties receive your personal data they will adopt the figure of Responsible for the processing of your personal data.

"Solmar Hotels & Resorts" collects and/or uses and/or stores and/or transmits your personal data, to the extent permitted by the LFPDPPP and its regulations and always to comply with the obligations arising from the contract entered into with the owner of the data; "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" may use your personal data for other purposes, provided that these purposes are compatible and can be considered analogous to the purposes described in the respective section or when you have expressly authorized or requested it.

In addition to the procedure that "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" has implemented to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, we inform you of the following alternatives if the owner of the data wishes to limit the use and disclosure of their personal data for advertising and promotional purposes that "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" may carry out in its marketing practices: 

  1. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO) has a Public Registry to Avoid Advertising (REPEP), which functions to limit the use and disclosure of your data used for marketing and/or commercial prospecting purposes. If you want to make use of this tool, you must call the telephone number 96 28 00 00 calling from Mexico City, Guadalajara, or Monterrey or 800 962 8000 from the rest of the Mexican Republic to register or cancel the phone number to which you receive the unwanted advertising. 



(Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition to the Processing of your Personal Data)

You are informed that you have the right  to Access to know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use given to it; right  to Rectification to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete; right to Cancellation to have your information removed from our records or databases when you believe it is not being used properly; as well as the right   to Object to the use of your personal data for specific purposes. 

To exercise any of ARCO's rights and/or express your refusal to process your personal data for secondary purposes and/or revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data and/or limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, you may follow the following mechanisms and procedures:

Submit the respective request to the Personal Data Department of "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" located at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Zip Code 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

In relation to the procedure and requirements of their applications, the holder must:

  1. Prove their identity through a valid official identification with photograph, in the case of a person other than the holder, they must prove their identity by means of a simple power of attorney signed by the holder, attorney and two witnesses, they will also prove their identity by means of a valid official identification with photograph. This information will not be collected by "Solmar Hotels & Resorts", the Personal Data Department will only collate it. 


  1. The means by which the owner may exercise his/her ARCO rights, and/or express his/her refusal to the processing of his/her personal data for secondary purposes and/or revoke his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data and/or limit the use or disclosure of his/her personal data, will be by means of a signed letter, addressed to Centro de Promociones Los Cabos San Lucas S.A. de C.V.,  This letter must contain the full name and surname of the owner, address, e-mail address in which he/she can receive a response, in said letter he/she must describe and indicate which are the rights that he/she intends to exercise.  


You can also exercise your ARCO rights through the forms that "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" makes available to you for this purpose and that may be provided directly to the Personal Data Department at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Zip Code 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.


  1. Within a maximum period of twenty working days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition has been received, we will communicate the decision adopted, so that, if appropriate, it will be effective within fifteen working days following the date on which the response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the delivery will proceed after proof of the identity of the applicant or his/her legal representative, as appropriate. The deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period, provided that the circumstances of the case so justify.


  1. The answer will be made known to you by means of the email address indicated in your request or at the address of the Data Controller at the end of the first period of twenty working days for the determination and at the end of the period of fifteen working days to make it effective, that is, to give you access, carry out the rectification, carry out the cancellation or resolve on the opposition to the processing of your personal data.


  1. The information will be delivered in printed or digital form depending on the medium requested by the data subject. 

For you to revoke and limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we inform you that "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" has a Personal Data Department which is in charge of processing requests for ARCO rights, revocation and limitation of the use or disclosure of your personal data.  as well as informing and clarifying doubts regarding the processing, use and disclosure of your data.

You can revoke the consent that, if applicable, you have given us for the processing of your personal data or limit its use or disclosure, however, it is important that you bear in mind that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request, or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some obligation or legal provision we may require us to continue processing your personal data. You should also consider that, for certain purposes, revocation of your consent will be impossible.

To conduct any procedure before the Department of Personal Data, you must prove your identity or personality when acting through a third party by means of a valid official identification with photograph and submit a document that meets the same characteristics indicated in subsection b) of this notice.


You are informed that the exercise of ARCO rights and/or request for revocation and/or request for the cessation of the use and disclosure of your data, may NOT be made through the email provided, since the Personal Data Department must verify the identity of the owner. By e-mail you can obtain and receive all the information related to this privacy notice, the Data Protection Project of the Data Controller, and the subsequent follow-up to requests for ARCO rights, revocation and limitation of the use and disclosure of your personal data, to initiate a request you must submit it to the address of the Data Controller.

To obtain information about the procedure and requirements for the exercise of your rights or to obtain information about the procedure, you should do so through: 

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • At the address located at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, Zip Code 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.


"Solmar Hotels & Resorts" informs you that we use technologies such as cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit our website. Its purpose is to remember your visit when you return to the website and  and to be able to keep your session open.

The personal data we collect through these technologies is used to optimize your visit to our website and the information collected by them will be used to provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our website.


You can choose to browse our website without accepting the use of cookies, since the systems of "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" do not depend on them, but by blocking the use of cookies you may not cause the website to work optimally in your browser.

You can allow, block, or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your browser. We provide you with the following links that can be found on the internet, which are not the responsibility of "Solmar Hotels & Resorts”, but which may help you disable and personalize cookies in your preferred browser: 



This privacy notice may be modified, changed, or updated because of new legal requirements, new projects, or our privacy practices.

In the event of changes or modifications to the privacy notice, we undertake to keep you informed of such changes, the updated version will be made available to you through the Personal Data Department of "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" and on our website and 

We inform you that you can go at any time to the National Institute for Transfer, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) if you consider that your right to data protection has been violated. "Solmar Hotels & Resorts" has implemented security and privacy policies for your personal data in accordance with the obligations contained in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.